Tackling Movie Mountain #2

This stellar-looking and sounding disc from 20th Century Studios is the “Extended Edition,” which, from what I can tell, is mostly more scenes of Matt Damon living it up on the Big Red Planet, as well as some more stuff back at Mission Control. I really dig this movie, on top of being a big fan of the book and this adaptation did not disappoint—besides some questionable casting decisions that are still kind of mind-boggling.

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Tackling Movie Mountain #1

At the start of the pandemic, I went into full-on media hoarding mode, buying up vinyl records, video games, and blu-rays, lots of blu-rays. So many blu-rays. I found solace in buying a bunch of pretty, shiny discs with cool covert art that were often times upgraded to new 4K releases, something about acquiring another piece of cinema for my collection helped drown out some of the lockdown psychosis. Well, panic-purchasing got the best of me and the next thing I knew, a large portion of my home studio is now devoted to a massive to-watch pile.

Today, Movie Mountain stands incredibly high, with piles of single discs and giant box sets (mostly still unopened), just waiting to get their first spin. I have a daunting task ahead.

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